You may like the idea of roulette computers, but are unable to afford purchasing one. A much cheaper option is you can join existing teams. Read this page carefully for details.
We have developed many different roulette computer versions. This page applies ONLY to the “Hybrid Roulette Computer”, and the “Remote Uber Computer”. See an explanation of how these “remote” computers works at When you have read the explanation, continue reading here.
The Different Types of Roulette Computer Users (“Operators” Vs. “Players”)
Operators are individuals who PURCHASED either the Hybrid or Remote Uber roulette computers. As an Operator, you don’t even need to enter casinos. Basically you have teams of Players use your computer in casinos for you, and they pay you part of their profits. You have total control to decide who plays, and when.
Operators usually receive about 30% of the profit (after player expenses). So if the team made $10,000 in a night, the operator receives about $3,000 (minus player expenses like car accommodation, car hire, parking etc.).
- Much larger profit. Your profit is not capped by casino surveillance. You can have even 10 different teams (as many as you are comfortable coordinating). With multiple experienced teams, you could profit $50,000 in a week without any Players being noticed by casino staff.
- You don’t need your own bankroll. Players use their own bankroll.
- You can work from anywhere with reasonable Internet access.
- Play as often as you want. You decide who plays and when. You don’t need anyone’s permission.
- Higher startup costs (you purchase a computer).
To become an Operator, purchase either the Hybrid or Remote Uber Roulette computer.
Players are the individuals inside the casino who use servers managed by Operators. The Players connect to the roulette computer server with hidden electronic equipment.
Hybrid players use a hidden camera to capture live video of the wheel. The video is streamed live via the Internet to the roulette computer server, which predicts the winning number. The server transmits predictions to players at the table, who make bets with a substantial edge over the casino.
Remote Uber computer players use hidden buttons to measure the roulette ball and wheel speed, instead of a hidden camera. This is the traditional approach used by roulette computers. The Remote Uber computer uses sophisticated algorithms to correct errors from “manual clicking” of buttons. This ensures accurate timings and predicted numbers.
A player’s profit is primarily limited by what they can win without being detected. This is typically anywhere between $2,000 – $50,000 in one night (before splitting profits with the rest of the team).
Individual players usually receive an equal distribution of 70% of the profits, which is divided between players. So if the team won $10,000 in a night, and there were 3 players (excluding the operator), the operator receives $3,000, and each player receives about $2,300.
- Much lower initial costs. You don’t buy the computer. Instead, you only need affordable equipment like mobile phones. The equipment costs only about $300 per player, and is easy to find.
- You can’t play whenever you want. You can only play when an Operator allows. Operators give preference to teams with higher stakes. So especially if you’re a lower stakes player, you may rarely play.
- Profits are much lower than Operators. You could still win even $10,000 in one night. But you can’t do it too often, otherwise casino staff will notice you. The “cooldown time” before you play again at the same casino depends on many factors, like the amount you win. For example, you could win $100,000 in a night, but might not be able to safely return for months. Or you could win $5,000 per session, and safely return every 1-2 weeks (without being detected).
- More work to do. You are the people in the casino doing the work. But still your earning potential is far greater than any 9-5 job, especially for the time you dedicate.
- Greater risk. You never play where it’s legal. You always check laws before playing. It’s legal in about half of casinos.
Players usually get
To become a Player, continue reading below.
How To Apply as a “Player”
It costs only about $300 in equipment for each player. This includes basic components like a suitable mobile phone.
If you are the right type of person, you’ll already understand the potential, and be prepared to do the work. You can do far better than with any 9-5 job. But don’t have unrealistic expectations of profit without time and effort.
Step 1. Read the agreement and submit the form at the bottom of this page.
NOTE: The agreement assumes you are becoming our Player (part of our private teams). Currently our teams are full. But there are almost always available spots with other Operators. So if we don’t have a spot for you, we’ll refer you to other Operators.
Step 2. If we feel you are suitable, we’ll contact you explain the various steps for you to become a player. Basically these remaining steps are:
a. Assessing your local casino
– Record video of your wheels with a hidden mobile phone: a few spins are usually all that’s needed.
– Conduct basic research about computer legalities in your region. We’ll explain who to contact and what to say. It costs nothing to anonymously ask your local authorities.
b. Get your equipment
– You can get most from Ebay. We’ll specify the suppliers.
– It costs about US$300 per player.
Step 3: Access the private player forum at
– This is where you can meet and chat Operators and other Players.
– Either your Operators train you, or we directly train you on behalf of Operators.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What do Players pay Operators?
This is something you agree on together. But typically the Operator receives about 30% of the total profit. It is a “loose agreement”. Read the rest of the FAQs to understand the issues.
Q. How do Operators know they’re being paid fairly?
Operators can see everything that happens on the server. So they can see the accuracy of predictions. With the Hybrid’s hidden camera, Operators can even see players making bets. So Operators have at least a reasonable idea of how successful a team is.
But the arrangement relies on TRUST. Keep in mind an Operator can cut off a Player’s access anytime, and even warn other Operators about potentially dishonest Players. So it’s in everyone’s interest to be honest.
Q. What happens if players are detected, even where computers are legal?
The chances are if you were “detected”, you wont even know. All that typically happens is dealers are instructed to close bets earlier until Players lose or leave. You may then be flagged as a player the casino keeps an eye on. But if you do everything right, you’ll continue to win without being noticed. We teach everything you need to know to avoid detection.
In over 15 years, so far only two of our players have been caught. Neither were charged for anything. Even if they were charged, it is unlikely prosecution would have been successful for numerous reasons. Normally if you are caught where computers are legal, the worst you can expect is being asked to leave.
You must never play illegally. If you do, expect Operators wont work with you.
Q. Can Players play in any casino they want?
Roulette computers are legal in about half of casinos throughout the world. Of these “legal” casinos, we can beat approximately 95% of the wheels.
Q. How can you know if roulette computers are LEGAL in you casino?
You can ask your local gaming authorities. It will not constitute proper legal advice, but it at least tells you if they’re clearly illegal or not. If they’re clearly illegal, you obviously don’t proceed. In most cases, the related laws are a “grey area”, and it’s unlikely you’ll ever be charged because the laws aren’t clear.
Q. Do Players and Operators become “partners”, or something else?
This depends on the preference of Players and Operators. It’s a mutual agreement. You may agree on a “partnership with a profit split”, OR a “Service agreement with highest bidders”. Each are explained below:
This is the simplest arrangement. The Player pays the Operator an agreed cut of the profits (after all the Player’s expenses, including travel). In such cases, the Operator usually receives around 30% of the profit.
The term “partners” has important legal implications. This is because IF Operators and Players are “partners”, and the Players accidentally break laws, then the Operator is implicated in a “crime”. We cannot be assured players don’t break laws, so we never “partner” with players. We merely provide the “service” of roulette computer server access, and the legal responsibility rests solely with “Players”.
Additionally, we never receive or ask for a “percentage of winnings”. Payments we receive are based on “bids” from different Players (or teams of Players). Whichever Player bids highest to use the computer server gets access (for their proposed time of play).
However, we only ask for payment if the Player is satisfied with the results they achieved.
The relationship is similar to a website publisher and website hosting company: The website host provides the service, but the website publisher is responsible for their website’s content.
This does not mean that if a Player breaks the law that Operators aren’t liable. For example, if any Operator (including us) knowingly allows a Player to play illegally, law enforcement may hold the Operator accountable (especially if they receive proceeds of a “crime”). So we must restrict access of any Player or Operator we believe are breaking the law.
So it is important to understand you never specifically receive a “cut of winnings”. The payment you receive is based on the Player’s satisfaction of your service. If you as an Operator aren’t satisfied with the amounts a Player is paying you, you’ll naturally prefer working with other Players.
Q. What are the ideal requirements for Players?
Below are our typical considerations when selecting new Players:
- Honest and trustworthy: We only want to deal with honest people. We shouldn’t need to tell you what is right or wrong. Also sometimes things don’t go as planned. But you need to accept any risk and not blame others. If things go wrong, don’t go releasing information to casinos out of spite. You’ll be harming people who are trying to earn a living.
- Teams that are already formed: it’s much easier to work with teams that are already organized.
- Live near suitable casinos: Travel is expensive and we don’t want you spending thousands just to scout for suitable wheels. You can still travel if you choose, but it’s not as convenient as living near casinos.
- Ample available time: you should have a predictable schedule and a reasonable amount of time. If you are a full time student or have a full time job, you probably wont be able to find enough time.
- Calm under pressure: You need to be comfortable in the casino environment. You can’t be skittish if casino staff look at you. Illegal use is against the terms of service, so you would not be breaking laws anyway. However, you may be playing against the casino’s rules. The most they can do is ban you.
- Patient: If you are over-eager and impatient, it can lead to costly mistakes.
- Motivated for the right reasons: We don’t want players who have a passing interest. We want people who have thought about this carefully, are dedicated, and motivated to increase the quality of theirs and their family’s life. We don’t want greedy people.
- Already self-funded and financially secure: If you can’t afford to risk loss, this opportunity is not for you. There is always a risk of loss and you need to accept it. You should have at least $2,000 in bankroll that you can afford to lose if things go wrong.
- NO gambling or other serious personal problems: You need to be stable and play for the right reasons.
Q. What bankroll do Players need?
Initially, your bankroll isn’t important. It’s more important to learn how to play and avoid detection. You can easily start with $500 and gradually increase bet size after wins. In fact most players start with very small stakes.
Once you become more experienced, you should have a minimum bankroll of $2,000. Generally it’s better to play fewer spins and with larger units. This better ensures your wins look like “luck”, so you can return another day without problems.
Below are three different examples of typical results if you bet on 30 spins during the “betting phase”. The examples are if you are betting with $25, $50 and $100 units:
The setup phase is what usually takes time.
If you are playing with high stakes, you’d usually test 70+ spins before making large bets. This better ensures profit.
If you are playing with small stakes, you may begin making profitable bets after 10-20 spins (and gradually increase bet size after wins).
Beating wheels is usually quite easy. The main issue is avoiding detection. The recommended strategies to avoid detection (and maximize winnings) are explained in detail to Players.
Although you’ll almost always have a strong edge, short term play sometimes results in a loss (anything can happen in short-term). But it is easily recovered with continued play. So you need a balance between avoiding detection and winning enough.
Q. Can you send me equipment for free?
No. Previously we did, but many people wasted our time and did not dedicate any time to play, and didn’t even bother to return the equipment we paid for. This is despite such players promising they wouldn’t do this. So now everyone in this program must purchase their own equipment.
Q. Is it possible I buy all the equipment then rarely or even never play?
It’s possible, but very unlikely because Operators usually want more Players to maximize their earnings.
Q. Can I choose if my Operator uses a Remote Uber or Hybrid computer?
You can choose to work with either Hybrid or Remote Uber computer Operators.
Q. What is the difference between the Remote Uber and Hybrid?
The Hybrid computer uses a hidden camera to automatically measure ball and wheel speed. Players don’t need to click any buttons, but they need to properly hide the camera (pinhole lens is easy to hide).
The Remote Uber determines wheel and ball speeds by one or more Player’s clicking a hidden button. It requires reasonable skill and practice, but it takes the average Player only about an hour of practice to achieve reasonable competence.
So the Remote Uber requires players to do more, although it is not at all difficult.
Q. Whose bankroll is used for bets?
Players use their own bankroll. We (or your Operator) are just the service provider.
Q. Can I buy my own computer with profits?
Yes. Many Players do exactly this because the earning potential is far higher for computer owners (Operators).
Q. Is there a risk of losing?
There’s always a risk of losing, but the wheels are properly evaluated before any bets are made. The evaluation gives about a 90% accurate idea of the results to expect. You will clearly understand the evaluation procedure and why it is accurate, so you will have a good idea of the risk of losing. Usually if a loss is made, it has nothing to do with the accuracy of the computers – it would be for a reason like the team had too much attention on them, they couldn’t risk continued play, and just happened to leave after unlucky short-term losses. But in such a case, another team or bettor may continue the attack, in which case you would likely be compensated for any time you invested.
Q. Do you tell us where it’s legal?
We already know many jurisdictions which are legal or illegal, from our own research, and research from players. However, we are not legal advisers, so we cannot give you legal advice. You can find out for free with some research. You can ask local gaming authorities using a fake name. We can give you a template email to send them. Or you can hire a solicitor to find out for you, which usually costs around $1000 per jurisdiction you want to investigate.
Q. What training and support is provided?
If you are part of our service program, we train you directly. If your Operator is a computer purchaser, they will train you, or they may ask us to train you for them.
Q. What happens if Players lose?
Every player is responsible for their own losses. If a loss would be detrimental to you, then you are not in a suitable position to play. There is always a risk of loss. But again you will be able to see the accuracy before betting on predictions, so you’ll have a good idea of the risk.
Q. Can you play alone, without other team members?
Yes, but generally “teams” of players can earn more, so teams are more appealing to Operators.
Q. How can I find team members?
You can find Operators and other Players looking for team members at All members of this forum are either verified Players (who have equipment ready), or Operators (who purchased their own computer).
You can find team members elsewhere, but using the forum at makes it much easier for you.
Be very careful about anyone you bring into your team. Many partnerships have turned sour and quite nasty because money is involved. It is very important that you have clear agreements with partners.
Please complete the below form to apply. If your application is approved, we’ll send you further instructions to proceed.