Basically roulette computers are hidden devices that measure ball and wheel speed to predict the winning number. They are by the quickest and most effective way to beat roulette. They are a legal roulette strategy in approximately half of casinos, but you must apply them secretly because casinos will still ban you if you are caught using them. But if you use them legally, then you can’t be charged for it.
Can you win millions? Yes of course. It has been done before as per the video above. Your profits are more limited by what you can win without being detected by casino staff.
I often forget while beating roulette is an every-day thing for me, many people still think roulette simply can’t be beaten. You only need to do proper research to learn the truth. Start with the linkabove, and the following link:
It is not uncommon for someone to email me claiming that roulette simply cannot be beaten, so my technology cannot work, and that it must be a scam. These same people form their opinions from what other people told them, and they too have no experience. The fact is the casinos know very well roulette is being beaten. This is why they invest millions to detect professional players before they win too much, but they still struggle to detect us. They call their detection methods “casino game protection”, and they call the professional methods “advantage play”.
Despite what you may have been told, roulette is by far the easiest game to profit from, and the most vulnerable to attack from professional players. The two best methods to beat roulette are the roulette physics system ( and roulette computers (, and they may be the only legitimate and legal way you will ever find to earn an enormous profit in a short time. Although it is smarter to win smaller amounts over longer periods, to avoid detection.
Some people have also said my prices are unreasonably large. But what do you expect to pay for a portable business that can buy you a house in 24hrs? We have more affordable versions as low as $1,250 although the more expensive versions are worth the price (you get what you pay for).
There is a temporary price reduction for our most advanced roulette computer (besides the Hybrid version). Full details are explained below:
We have started development on a new roulette computer. For now we’re calling it the “Uber 2″. The original Uber version (Uber 1) uses the most advanced algorithms possible to beat modern roulette wheels. The Uber 2 uses exactly the same algorithms, but will have the following additional features:
* Software upgrades without needing to send me back the phone(s): this is more of a convenience benefit.
* Quicker and simpler methods to evaluate wheels: before you place any bets, you must evaluate the wheel to ensure it can actually be beaten. This way you can know the results you’ll achieve before risking real money. The evaluation is 90% accurate. The Uber 1 still has these capabilities, but it involves using separate phone software we supply you with for free. The Uber 2 has all the capabilities integrated into it.
* Simpler application of the advanced settings: The advanced settings are required to beat the “difficult” wheels. They are rarely required, although if they are needed, the Uber 2 makes it easier.
* Ability to send me the data for any wheel, so I can more easily advise you: This makes supporting you easier.
Basically the Uber 2 will be EASIER to use. It will not be more accurate because the Uber 1 already does everything possible to maximize accuracy. We’re creating this new version because not everyone is tech-savvy, and your profits depend on your proper understanding, and correct application of the technology.
If you’d like to know how simple our roulette system is to use, see the new roulette system video at this link. It includes some screenshots of our software and explains the basic steps involved.
Beating roulette requires extremely sophisticated analysis, which would normally be too difficult without the help of software. Over the years, we have developed our roulette strategy software so it is easier to use. After all, what’s the point if it’s too difficult?
It is now at the point where anyone can learn how to use it, and anyone can achieve the same results as an experience player within minutes. Even if you’ve never played roulette before (although its of course smarter to take your time and play practise sessions before betting for real).
In addition to what is explained in the video, there are of course a few other procedures you need to follow but they are by no means difficult.
Importantly, we are not claiming you can just walk up to any wheel and instantly win millions. Our system does not beat every wheel. Specifically it beats approximately 30% of wheels, which is more than enough considering a single wheel can earn tens of thousands before the casino staff notice you.
Ultimately we have made sophisticated and complex techniques now very easy to use.
How does it work?
Explaining how the system works is not a simple task. The actual application of the system may be relatively easy, but the underlying principles are quite sophisticated, while at the same time the physics is quite simple. However I’ll explain the basics.
Firstly you must understand that roulette is all about a physical roulette wheel and ball, and it has nothing to do with the betting table. The betting table is simply a place to make bets, and it has absolutely no influence on where the ball will land. Despite this, almost every player bases there bets around the betting table. Many players may even bet on the number one, but the ball and is a number two, and they will automatically assume that because the roulette dealer places the marker on number two, but they were very close to winning. But on the European wheel, numbers one and two are almost completely opposite one another. So the first rule to understand is roulette is about a little wheel and ball. In fact the word roulette is French for little wheel.
The second important thing to understand is that real physical variables determine where the ball will land. Some of these variables are predictable, and some are not. Of the variables that can be predicted, some have little influence on where the ball will land, and some have a major influence. If you consider the spin outcomes, and the variables you can predict, you are able to correlate them to predict future winning numbers. This is essentially what my system is about – real and commonsense physics.
Calculating the physical variables of a roulette wheel and ball to predict outcomes is not a new thing. Professional players have been using physics to beat roulette for some time. It is a misconception that the application of physics is complicated, because for most roulette strategies involving physics, it is actually quite simple. For example consider roulette wheel bias analysis, which primarily considers how often winning numbers occur, and whether or not they occur more frequently than we expect if the outcomes were random. So basically if a winning number occurs more than what we would normally expect, over a statistically relevant amount spins, then we can consider the wheel is likely biased. This means that there is likely a physical defect that causes some winning numbers to occur more often than others. Making it even simpler, bet on whatever numbers occur most.
Modern day bias analysis is quite more complicated though, because casinos use software to detect bias on their wheels. However, there are still ways to detect the bias that casino staff had missed, although this is beyond the scope of this article. But one example is you can visually determine physical defects of a roulette wheel in much less time than it takes to collect data required for analysis. You may have just noticed that a roulette wheel has been moved or replaced, and it would normally take thousands of spins to analyse a wheel for bias. But if you listen carefully when the ball falls, you may notice there is a different sound when the ball hits one area or another. This could be because a pocket separator has become loose, and this in turn takes the momentum out of the ball and makes the ball more likely to fall in certain areas of the wheel. So you can guess there is a bias without collecting thousands of spins.
My roulette system does not require physical defects of a roulette wheel. The patterns exist on any wheel that’s either new or old. Inevitably in the long-term, visible patterns will occur. Looking at roulette simplistically, say if the dealer spun the wheel and the ball at the same speed every time. And it goes to say that it is logical that the ball will at least land in a specific area more often than it would if the spin speeds were completely random. Consistently spinning dealers does happen, and it’s called dealer signature. But the problem is dealers are regularly rotated, and you may not see the same dealer on the same wheel for weeks. And to make matters worse, gradually the physical properties of a roulette wheel will vary. This includes not just the surface of the ball track where the ball rolls, but also the air pressure and other physical variables that determine the ball’s deceleration rate. Roulette is indeed a very dynamic game with conditions constantly changing.
Basically my roulette system models the static properties and resulting patterns of a roulette wheel, and develops a dynamic model to predict how the patterns will evolve as other variables change.
But how simple is it to apply? Without the help of automated roulette software, the analysis is virtually impossible. But basically from a roulette player’s perspective, all they need to do is enter the data the software asked for, any analysis is done automatically. The result is the software produces convenient and easy to read betting charts that tell the player when and where to bet. There is of course a little more to it, but that’s the basics of it. Over 1000 players use my system worldwide, which may not seem like a lot, but consider that professional roulette play takes a lot of time and effort to collect the data. This time required is what makes professional systems less appealing. Putting things into perspective, to profit $10,000 with five dollar units may take 2 to 3 weeks, which includes data collection and play. Of course you could bet higher with $25 units and this will greatly compound winnings. Taking it one step further, if you spend 2 to 3 weeks working in a typical job, your profit will be far less. Ultimately the application of my system is very simple from a user’s perspective, with the only significant difficulty being the time it takes. On average, it takes the player approximately one day to fully evaluate a wheel, after which the player can begin to place bets for profit. When you take into consideration the time it takes to earn $10,000 with a typical 9-5 job, it puts the time and effort into perspective. Learn more about my roulette system at
Most roulette players have no idea about winning at roulette. I see it every day on roulette forums. Consider this:
There are two players at a table. They both wait until there are 10 reds in a row.
Player 1 says: “Ooh, red is on a streak. I’ll bet red next”.
Player 2 says: “Ooh, black must be due. I’ll bet black next.”
Who is more likely to win?… They are just as likely as each other.
Here’s proof. Test a billion spins, and look for instances where there are 10 reds in a row. Then look at how many times red or black spins next. Try repeating the test as many times as you like. What you will find is red and black have an equal chance of spinning next.
Now consider the same roulette strategy, but in a situation where over 10,000 spins, there are 4000 reds and 6000 blacks. Let’s say you bet red until there is a “more balanced” distribution….. So you bet for thousands of time on red. Does this at all change the fact that the probability of red is exactly the same as black? NO, NOT EVEN REMOTELY.
— Now consider if you added a betting progression in the mix. You are not betting to cover losses. All you are doing is making different sized bets on completely separate events.
This is the reality of playing roulette. And I waste many hours explaining it. Why? Only to help people so they don’t waste time. Anyway, anyone reading can make up their own mind about whether or not these are facts about roulette you can bypass.
Most roulette tables have two types of betting chips: coloured and standard.
Coloured chips are of a specific colour (ie red, blue, green etc). When you buy chips from the croupier, you can choose the colour, and it makes it easier for you to know where your bets are, and which wins are yours. You can also set a specific value to each chip. The problem is it also makes tracking your winnings easier for the casino too. For this reason, always use the standard chips – these are the ones which have clear values marked on them, like $5, $25 and so on. And you can use them at any of the table games in the casino.
In contrast, if you leave the table with coloured chips, you can’t use them at any other game. You’ll need to convert them to the standard chips before you leave.
To keep it short, any roulette strategy should use the standard chips.
Wheel bias is when specific numbers win more than they should. This is caused by roulette wheel defects. Most players know about wheel bias. But what they think they know is a bias player will analyze a lot of spins, then just bet on whatever numbers spun most. This may have worked 100 years ago, but the bias developed by modern wheels is not as prevalent.
What Causes a Biased Wheel
Rotor reflection around rim to check for wobble
There are countless causes of a biased wheel, but I’ll give one example. The wheel may have the colored plastic glued to the pocket, and over time the glue may have loosened, which raises the plastic. When the ball hits such pockets, the ball doesn’t bounce as much. This is called “deadening”, and it leads to ball tending to come to rest in specific areas more often that it would if spins were completely random.
Modern Biased Roulette Wheel Analysis
Almost every casino uses automated software that analyses the winning numbers to determine if there are any obvious anomalies such as specific numbers spinning most. The better equipment will do much more than just look at “which numbers spin most”.
The following material is the bias analysis chapter of the Primordials document from my roulette system. Simply put it is the basics of advanced roulette wheel bias analysis. I give it for free because my more advanced methods are much more powerful – quicker, easier to use, and more accurate.
Introduction to biased wheel play
A biased wheel is a wheel where one or more numbers are more likely to win. It is the result of a manufacturing defect, or general wear and tear of a wheel. Even new wheels can exhibit a bias, although a bias occurs more frequently on older wheels. As a general rule, other than color or number, anything that makes one pocket different from any other usually leads to some form of bias.
Most professionals would tell you biased wheels are rare, but they do exist. More accurately, because it is impossible to manufacture a “perfect” wheel, every wheel is biased to a degree, but whether or not that bias alone is great enough to overcome the house edge is different. Usually it isn’t, but as discussed in previous chapters, beating roulette is not always just one technique – it’s usually a combination of different techniques that contribute to your “overall” edge. Even if a biased wheel gives you an additional 0.5% edge, that’s still worthwhile. Consider the house edge is also very slight, but it means most other players can lose thousands very quickly.
Finding and exploiting biased wheels is not as simple as finding which numbers spin most, then betting on them. As this chapter will explain, there’s a lot more to it. The online software available to players will do a bias analysis for you which makes things easy for you. If the bias is statistically significant, it will be incorporated into custom variants. However this section will explain how to detect and exploit a wheel bias without the use of the software.
Types of Bias
Pocket Bias: the ball will favour singular pockets
Section Bias: the ball will favour specific wheel sectors
Dynamic Bias: This is a bias that exists only for a short term (usually a few hundred spins). Detecting such a bias manually is quite tricky, although the online custom variant software checks for you. Usually you can predict the evolution of a bias and adjust bets accordingly. “Modern” wheel analysis software completely neglects this type of bias, and this is to your advantage.
The primary causes of a bias
Loose Frets: the frets are the pocket separators. If they become loose, they can absorb impact better than other pockets which creates an effect whereby the ball will come to rest in a specific pocket or wheel sector more than any other.
Deadening of pocket surface: minor scratches on the pocket surface (barely visible to the naked eye) can lead to a difference in friction or level of absorption of impact. This can make the ball come to rest in specific sectors more than others.
Difference in size of pockets: no two pockets are exactly the same size. The larger the pocket, the more likely the ball will come to rest in that pocket.
Wheel Wobble: this is where the actual rotor is on a slight angle, meaning one side of the rotor is even a fraction of a millimeter lower than the opposing side. Due to gravity, the ball will tend to favour the lower side of the wheel rotor. Wheel wobble is relatively easy to observe, even without spin collection, as explained in previous chapters.
Uneven Wheel Deceleration: An unbiased wheel will spin with smooth rotations and a constant deceleration. On some wheels, you may notice the wheel will decelerate quicker when the zero is at a particular point around the wheel base. This can be due to many reasons, but it usually because of a slightly distorted wheel shaft. Importantly, often it will only occur when a specific wheel rotor and wheel base combination is used. In particularly on a clearly tilted wheel or any similar condition where the ball has a common drop point, this effect will almost certainly lead to a sector bias because there will be a dominant wheel orientation in relation to the common ball drop point.
Common Ball Drop Points: As discussed in previous chapters, many factors such as tilt can lead to common ball drop points. Not always are they relevant to wheel bias, but in the case of uneven wheel deceleration, common drop points are required for a sector bias to develop. This is because if where the ball fell was “random” (unpredictable), then where the wheel will be doesn’t make a difference.
Low Quality or Deformed Balls: balls are never perfectly round. The less perfect they are, the more likely they are to be affected by ball track defects such as cracks and track deformation.
Identifying wheels that are most likely to be biased
You of course need to collect and analyze spins to detect/confirm wheel bias, but there are many things you can do and observe to determine if a wheel is likely to be biased. That’s exactly what this section is about: narrowing down your selection of wheels to focus on the ones most likely to exhibit a significant bias. This can greatly reduce the amount of time required to find an authentic biased wheel. As with any of the other techniques, you don’t just start playing or analyzing any wheel.
Use the below guidelines to identify wheels that are most likely to exhibit a bias:
Wheel imperfections cause the ball to fall at certain points more than others
Tilted wheels: the greater the wheel tilt, the more likely a wheel is to exhibit a bias. Wheel tilt itself is not exactly a bias, but when in combination with a genuine bias such as uneven wheel deceleration, this condition will lead to primarily a sector bias. In other words, some forms of bias are dependent on the wheel being tilted. To determine the level of tilt a wheel has, simply mark on a chart where the ball either struck a diamond or lost momentum and fell. An example of a chart is shown left. NOTE: You mark the points only with reference to the wheel base, not the actual wheel rotor.
Older style wheels: the older a wheel design, the more likely it is to be biased.
Higher frets (pocket separators): higher frets are more likely to exhibit mechanical flaws.
Wheel Wobble: move to a location where you can see a strong light reflection in the points marked in the below image. This will make it easy to see a wobble because you may notice a very slight movement when the wheel comes around. Also stand at points where the strong reflection is at different parts around the wheel because often a wobble will only be visible at particular parts around the wheel.
Uneven Wheel Deceleration: This is difficult to observe, so is often overlooked and not noticed by casino staff. You will sometimes see the wheel slightly suddenly decelerates when the zero is at a specific point around the wheel base. How you detect it depends on personal preference, although I prefer to simply observe green zero intensely for a few spins as it goes around and around.
Common Ball Drop Points: As discussed in previous chapters, many factors including but not limited to tilt can lead to common ball drop points. Not always are they relevant to wheel bias, but in the case of uneven wheel deceleration, common drop points are required for a sector bias to develop. This is because if where the ball fell was “random”, then where the wheel will be doesn’t make a difference. The method to find common drop points is the same for finding tilted wheels.
Low Quality or Deformed Balls: If a ball is deformed, you will hear it rattle at different parts of the ball track. If the ball rattles at the same parts of the track, then it is more likely a ball track deformation.
Deformed Ball Track: This leads to common drop points so you would detect it when you create your chart to determine wheel tilt. If it is the track that is deformed, no matter what ball is used, you will find the ball usually rattles at the same part of the ball track. By listening for the rattle and noting where a rattle occurs, you can detect deformed ball tracks and likely common drop points in less time. You still create ball drop charts, but listening for rattles can help narrow down your wheel selection.
Collecting Spins for Analysis
In particularly sector bias relies on the wheel rotor spinning the same direction, the following factors must be considered when collecting spins:
It MUST be the same wheel and rotor: Wheels weigh as much as a person and are difficult to move. Wheels are still of course moved and even rotated on the same table. But the most common countermeasure a casino applies to make application more difficult is changing rotors between wheel bases. It is very quick and easy for casinos to do, and many do it frequently. This is why it’s absolutely essential you keep detailed notes of the wheel’s physical properties for both the wheel base, and the removable rotor. In particularly take note of scratches, wood grain, and their positions relative to each other. Be detailed and specific so that anyone would be able to find the wheel and/or rotor. Depending on the type of bias, you can sometimes track just the wheel rotor or main part of the wheel. But often a bias will only occur when the correct rotor is used on the correct wheel base (the combination).
Approximately the Same Rotor Speed: You can’t of course know precise rotor speeds. You are permitted a certain degree or error tolerance, but of course the more consistent the rotor speeds, the easier it is to detect a bias, in particularly a sector bias. For example, if a specific sector of the wheel is “deadened” (less bounce), the wheel needs to be approximately the same speed. This is because a faster wheel will mean the ball bounces further along the wheel before coming to rest. You will find that specific dealers tend to favour around the same wheel speed range.
Approximately the same ball size and type: the ball must be at least close to the same size and elasticity (bounce) because larger and bouncier balls travel further before finally coming to rest. This is particularly important for detection and play of wheels with a sector bias. Also consider the less perfectly round a ball is, the more likely a bias is to form. You can usually hear the rattle of a deformed ball. Such balls are very bad for some ballistic methods such as roulette computers (unless it has the correct features to deal with such conditions as my computers do), but they can assist the bias player.
Various Conditions: sometimes a bias will only be apparent under certain conditions, including but not limited to dealer, weather, air pressure, time of day, the ball used and location of wheel. This is why what may appear to be a genuine bias may come and go. A casino’s technology to detect a bias typically does not track such conditions, so keeping conditions as consistent as is possible and practical when collecting spins or playing can enable you to exploit a bias a casino’s technology would not detect. Do not neglect this because you may be able to discover a bias that casino technology misses.
Wheel base orientation: often rather than moving a wheel, a casino will just rotate the base. This will affect common ball drop points and can lead to a bias in different sectors. Throughout your spin collection process, ideally the wheel base must not have been moved at all. If it is, some types of bias may not be detected. Your notes about a wheel must therefore include information to determine wheel orientation.
Always keep detailed and organized records of your spins and the conditions. You should be able to look at any set of spins and know various details such as the ball used, wheel speed range, dealers and more. If you check for a bias in each segregated group of spins, you are far more likely to detect a bias, even when a casino’s pattern analysis technology does not detect a bias.
Analyzing Single Number Bias
The easiest way to analyze any spins is with the player only online software. Just enter your spins and the software will do the analysis. The next best way is to just use the charts below (e-mail me for printable version):
Analysis chart for 1500 Spins (Single Number Bias, European Single 0)
Analysis chart for 1500 Spins (Single Number Bias, American 00)
To use these charts, you need to chart 1500 spins. Starting from the left, place an X in the boxes corresponding to the winning numbers. The grey column is about where you can expect the X’s to extend to. If specific numbers or sectors are close to or past the green column, the wheel may be biased.
Although you can use these charts, the online wheel analysis software is more accurate, and you aren’t limited to using only 1500 spins.
Analyzing Sector Bias
To detect singular pocket bias you may need thousands of spins, but you can detect a sector bias with far fewer spins. For a sector bias, you need at least 400 spins. Use the charts below. What you are looking for is 19 pockets at or past the green line after 400 spins. The 19 pockets must of course be neighbors.
400 Spins, Wheel Half Bias (European Single 0)
400 Spins Wheel Half Bias (American 00)
Remember to dramatically increase your chances of detecting a biased wheel, test spins that were generated under conditions that are as consistent as possible. This is often essential for the modern wheel bias player because they need to detect a bias that the average casino wheel analysis software cannot detect.
When you find a biased wheel
When a wheel appears to be biased, do the test once more. This is required to confirm the bias and unless you do this, there’s still a reasonable chance it’s not an authentic bias. If the test is passed, there’s very little chance that it is merely coincidence. Remember to keep the conditions as consistent as possible. If the much the same charts develop, then you’ve almost definitely found a biased wheel.
To play the wheel, assuming the conditions are as closely matched as possible, place your bets. While you play, observe the wheel closely to note if conditions change. For example, pay close attention to factors like tilt, ball drop off points, change of ball type etc. If conditions change, the bias may no longer exist, at least until the conditions become what they were previously.
Why Casino Wheel Bias Technology is Inadequate
Although some casinos don’t even have bias analysis technology, most do. The current leading supplier of such technology is TCS John Huxley. Some technology will take into account factors such as wheel speed in combination with winning numbers, while some only consider the winning number. Very rarely does a casino’s software take into account the various conditions, including but not limited to room temperature, ball in play, dealer, combinations of wheel bases and rotors etc. Especially casinos that only analyze winning numbers may be convinced their wheels aren’t biased, and this is to the benefit of the serious player. But even if a casino knows a wheel exhibits a bias, they often will not do anything about it until they notice someone is exploiting it.
The above material is just the basics of my advanced wheel bias analysis methods. It is an extract from the Primordials document given to my players. The Primordials document is only the introduction document for new players. For new players it may seem complicated with a lot to learn. While my advanced methods are far more complicated, the automated analysis software makes application of the techniques incredibly simple.
The “holy grail” is the term for a winning roulette system that beats any and all roulette, including RNG (random number generator). In reality, RNG roulette is nothing more than software. It is identical to a slot machine, but instead of animated reels and fun little jackpot features with free spins, you see an animation of a wheel and ball.
If you believe you have the “holy grail”, I will pay you US$100,000 for it if you can prove it. Below are general conditions and procedures:
If your system profits over these spins, specify the bankroll balance chart from your testing software, the total amount wagered, and the total amount won.
IMPORTANT: Your tests MUST follow the rules explained under “General Conditions” below. This includes using common table betting limits, or the results aren’t valid. Specifically inside bets of 1-200 units, and outside bets of 10-500 units.
a. Transfer $1000 to the escrow service at The $1000 will be released to me if I find your test results (from step 1) are inaccurate. This is required because moving $100,000 (as per the next step) is not so simple and I will lose income if you are wasting my time. I don’t always have this much funds sitting doing nothing in a bank account. Usually it is invested somewhere. So I will likely need to sell the investment. Please understand it from my point and that this challenge is legitimate, but many people have previously wasted my time.
If you aren’t prepared to pay the $1000 to an escrow agent (which you get back if your tests are correct), then I don’t expect you have the holy grail.
b. Lock your system file in an encrypted password-protected file (only you will have the password at this stage). It must be a system tester script (roulette xtreme software). Your system must be clearly detailed with no ambiguity at all – it must be purely mechanical with no guesswork.
c. I will send you a further 2,000,000 RNG spins. You will then test your system. If the results indicate profit (with the required conditions), specify the results and proceed to the next step.
d. The funds (US$100,000) will be transferred to an escrow agent. Then send me the password for the file containing the system. I will verify your testing is accurate.
e. Assuming your testing is accurate, the escrow agent will release the US$100,000 to you.
General Conditions
The challenge only applies to RNG (random number generator) spins, not spins from a physical wheel as I already know real wheels can be beaten.
The “resulting edge” for each sets of 2M spins must be above 1% (Wins must be significant).
More spins may be needed as the final test must be conducted over 2,000,000 spins where bets are actually made. i.e. you cannot do something like skip 999,999 spins, and bet on only 1 spin. To achieve this, at any time just let me know if you need additional RNG spins.
The above procedures are not set in concrete and can be customized to whatever you want to feel comfortable, provided your requests are fair and reasonable.
If the system is what you claim, it will be used extensively by our teams in real casino conditions. Therefore, typical casino betting limits must apply (same limits as the game at This is not just a public challenge – it is an offer to buy the holy grail (if it actually exists).
This offer is open to everyone, whether they are a system seller or not. By all means if you know of anyone who claims they have the holy grail, invite them to take this challenge.
This challenge has been offered for many years, and the only people to have attempted it end up failing the initial testing.
Does a System Really Need To Beat So Many Spins?
It’s a common misconception that because you’ll probably never play millions of spins, that there’s no point to testing so many spins.
If you had a system that almost always won in the short-term, what would the combined results be if 10,000 players all used your “short-term winning system” on different wheels? Will the combined result for all players be an overall win or loss?
The point is casinos have both winners and losers. But most players lose. This is because of the house edge.
A player may have clearly profited from casinos in a lifetime of play (perhaps 10,000 spins). They will be convinced their system works. But the reality may be their winnings are due to simple luck. Statistically, some players are still likely to profit over even 10,000 spins.
Need proof? Just test a system over 10,000 spins with software like roulette xtreme. You’ll find perhaps 1 in 30 or so times, you’ll profit after even 10,000 spins. This means if there were 30 players all using the same system throughout the world, 29 would have lost and moved onto another system, and 1 player would be bragging to their family and friends about how their system works.
So the purpose of testing so many spins for this challenge is to eliminate the possibility of wins being from luck. If your system is the “holy grail”, then it wouldn’t matter if you tested over 1m or 1 billion spins.
Alternate Options
The offer isn’t just a challenge. It’s an offer to buy your system. I already have various methods that beat real wheels – some of which are capable of achieving an edge over 150%. The only real issue is our winnings are limited by what we can get away with. For example, we can’t just win $1m in a night without the casino noticing, and probably banning our players. But the holy grail would be capable of winning virtually everywhere, and it would be easily used to win large amounts without players being detected.
The procedures of this challenge are explained above. But I’m open to suggestions if you have another way of verifying your claims, while me being assured of receiving the correct system.
Why Would Anyone Sell a System That Works?
Why would anyone sell a business that made money? For many reasons.
Likewise, typical approaches that do beat roulette still require time and effort. For example, I sell my system because I don’t need or use it anymore. I have something much better. Specifically I use my roulette computers which are far more profitable. Anyone who uses the system still needs to do the work.
I also sell my roulette computers because they aren’t common enough to be a problem, you pay a fair price ($80,000 for best version), and there are far too many casinos for me to play in, so selling some computers maximizes revenue.
If you want to sell me your holy grail, I’d also ask why you’re selling it. After all, you could win money virtually anytime, anywhere, without the casino even noticing. It’s not like my current methods to beat roulette where you must deliberately limit winnings to avoid detection. With the holy grail, even if you were detected you could play anywhere else and wouldn’t even need to check the suitability of the wheel.
The majority of people who want to pursue this challenge don’t offer a convincing reason why they’re selling it. In any case, if you’re just trying to trick me and claim the $100k, understand I’m not stupid and know how to be sure a system is legitimately effective. My intentions and offer are genuine. Please only contact me as per the guidelines on this page. Specifically if you haven’t already tested the 2m spins with auto testing software, there’s no point to contacting me.
Roulette computers are the most effective roulette strategy a player can use. They are hidden electronic devices that predict where the ball will land. They are a completely different thing to the physics roulette system explained on this site. Essentially the roulette computers are electronic devices used at the table, whereas the physics roulette system does not require any electronic devices at the table.
The best site to learn about roulette computers is, which also explains how to make your own. This page is more a summary of what the devices do and how they work.
How roulette computers work
They measure the speed of the wheel and ball after it is released, then calculate where the ball is most likely to lose momentum and fall. Once the player receives a prediction, the player has a short time in which to place bets before the dealer closes betting. Usually to determine the wheel and ball speed, the player clicks a hidden button when the wheel and ball complete revolutions. This is of course subject to some error, but with proper design, the errors are acceptable.
Are they legal?
You might think that these devices are illegal, but they are actually legal in most jurisdictions. This doesn’t mean the casino will allow them, which is why they are applied secretly. Usually they are worn under the players clothes, and operated with hidden cables and wireless invisible earpieces. So the casino staff don’t actually see the devices themselves.
Nevertheless, casino staff are trained to monitor for suspicious behaviour by players. If a player is suspected of using a roulette computer, then the casino surveillance staff instruct the dealer to call no more bets earlier. This usually makes the roulette computer obsolete. But it also means that other players wont be able to place late bets either. This means less bets overall, and the casino will lose revenue.
Roulette computers for sale
There are numerous roulette computers for sale on the Internet. And as with any gambling product, the claims from sellers are greatly exaggerated. The seller usually claims their device is remarkably sophisticated with unparalleled accuracy. The reality is you will achieve much the same accuracy with the free roulette system I provide, without needing to buy a roulette computer. This is because both the free system and basic roulette computers do the exactly same thing. And the errors in application for the free system and basic computers is comparable, so the resulting accuracy is much the same. You can easily use my free system to test on roulette demonstration videos created by sellers, and see how results compare. It will just take you a day or so to practise with the free system before you can achieve the same accuracy.
Our computers
We have developed numerous roulette computers, with the main ones listed below:
Hybrid V3: This is the most effective technology that has ever been developed to beat roulette. The hybrid roulette computer users hidden cameras and image recognition processors to automatically determine the rotor and ball speed. By considering the location of the ball in individual frames, it measures the ball speed accurate to 1 millisecond. Instead of considering ball position at a single point, it can consider ball location at many points in a single revolution. This enables it to determines the ball speed with approximately 50 times more accurately than any other computer. There are many benefits to this. Obviously the predictions are much more accurate. But very importantly, it also means the computer can obtain accurate predictions much earlier in the spin.
Uber: This uses the same algorithms as the hybrid, although it obtains its timings from the traditional method of clicking hidden buttons. It was named the Uber by one of its users, which basically means above and beyond, or the best of the best. The algorithms used by the Uber properly account for the variation of ball bounce on different rotor speeds, how the ball will behave when it hits particular diamonds, and the variation of ball deceleration rates that occur because of air pressure variations. These capabilities are exclusive to the Uber and Hybrid devices. If you’ve purchased a device and the seller claims it also has these features, it is very easy to test and know whether or not you’ve been scammed (see
Lite version: The Lite version Users of the traditional roulette computer algorithms, which unfortunately are very simplistic and incapable of beating most modern roulette wheels. It has all the essential features for covert play, but is designed more as a stepping stone to our more advanced computers. It will give you comparable accuracy to my free roulette system, but is easier to apply.
Basic version: This version is given free to all of our roulette physics system players. It uses the traditional algorithm explained on our roulette computer’s website. This version will give you the same results as our free roulette course as if you have applied at perfectly. It will give you much the same results as an average roulette computer. Similar devices have been sold for thousands of dollars by unscrupulous sellers that proclaim the superiority of their devices.
The best proof you can get is a full demonstration either in-person or via live webcam. You can test on any wheel you want, and apply the computers for yourself. The computers are a large investment, and you need to be sure. So there’s no reasonable proof you wont see.
In-person demos are in Melbourne Australia, but you can see live webcam demos from anywhere. I conduct both private and group demonstrations.
You are not under any obligation to buy after a demo. But my time is limited so please do not schedule a demo unless you are already in position to purchase, with intent to purchase shortly after a favorable demo.
These are conducted either IN-PERSON OR LIVE VIA WEBCAM, and are only for players with serious intent to purchase following a favorable demo. You will see the full capabilities of technology so you understand what you are purchasing. You will be able to test everything for yourself on one of the world’s most common roulette wheels. You can also bring your own wheel for testing if the demonstration is in-person, or even bring other roulette computers for comparative testing. For webcam demos, you will be able to chat me live and request verification the footage is live. You’ll see everything needed to understand how it’s used in real casinos without being detected.
In-Person 1 on 1 Private Demo Setup
The typical setup for 1 on 1 demonstrations is shown at the top of this page.
In-Person Group Demonstration Setup
Group demos are usually done with no more than 9 attendees at a time. This ensures everyone has the chance to have questions answered. It also keeps things close and personal.
Group demos usually have no more than 10 attendees. This ensures everyone can participate and get questions answered.
John Huxley Mk7 Wheel
This is a 2019 model wheel, which is one of the most common designs in the world. Normally we use this for demos unless you bring a wheel of your own for testing. You can spin the wheel yourself, and even disassemble it to ensure it hasn’t been tampered with.
Current model John Huxley roulette wheel.
General Facilities
Lunch, coffee, tea and snacks are provided by the conference center staff. Usually we take a break for lunch at the on-site restaurant.
Everything is supplied including lunch.
FREE TRIAL Roulette Computer
You can use the free trial roulette computer to test from home. It costs nothing and there’s no risk. For details see screenshot is shown below. It uses the same algorithms as our “Lite” version roulette computer (a simplistic version). The Uber and Hybrid much more sophisticated, far more accurate, and get much earlier predictions. But you can only see them in a demonstration.
Free trial roulette computer: test a free simple version so you understand the basics of how roulette computers work.
PUBLIC GROUP Demos (Uber & Hybrid Roulette Computers Only)
Public group demos are conducted either IN-PERSON OR LIVE VIA WEBCAM, and are for anyone for any reason, even if you have no intention to purchase. Unlike with the private demos, you will not see “everything” because some parts are secret. For example, you will still see a clear demonstration of effectiveness, but the advanced features wont be explained or demonstrated to you. These demos are to give people a better understanding of my technology’s capabilities, and to address false claims from unscrupulous sellers of other technology. Also in public group demos I usually teach attendees a free technique to beat roulette. I previously conducted one group public demo per year. But due to limited time, I can now only conduct private demos (for players with intent to purchase).
Recording of Previous PUBLIC GROUP Demonstrations
In the below recording of a public demo, I demonstrated the Uber version of my roulette computer. We covered 15 numbers and the accuracy rate was over 90% win rate. We could have easily bet just 1 to 3 numbers. The edge achieved was approximately +120%, which is enormous considering the casino’s edge over typical players is just -2.7%. The full length version of this video is long and tedious so I showed only the most relevant parts:
This video was also published so purchasers of other roulette computers can compare their device on the same spins. One computer from another vendor initially achieved 1/3rd of the edge, although the edge eventually evaporated to no edge at all as the ball’s deceleration rate changed. Another computer achieved no edge at all.
How to Attend a Demonstration
Live webcam or in-person demonstrations can be arranged but are subject to the below terms, which unfortunately are necessary because many people have wasted my time:
US$500 deposit to be made prior to the demo.
After clearly favourable demonstrations, some players stated they were not in a financial position to proceed for some time. My time is limited and best reserved for players in position to proceed. You are never under any obligation to purchase. But I just ask players not to request a demo until they are already fully in a position to proceed.
I’ll provide a demonstration either in person or via live webcam. Because this takes my time, the deposit is non-refundable except in circumstances where “proof of effectiveness” is not demonstrated. If you decide not to purchase for any other reason, the deposit will be considered non-refundable reimbursement for my time to provide the demonstration.
The definition of “proof of effectiveness” is an “edge” on a mk7 Huxley wheel with an ivorine ball, and in a manner that’s required for profit (predictions at least 7 seconds before the ball hits the rotor, and rotor speed approximately 4-5 seconds / revolution). To prove the results weren’t just “luck”, I will also provide you with a detailed analysis of the predictions and charts produced by the computer. You may take your own notes to verify the charts are accurate. This is basically to prove that even when we didn’t win on specific spins, the ball at least landed close to predictions a statistically significant amount of times.
If you cancel the demonstration after I’ve booked a physical venue for the meeting, I don’t receive a refund from the venue, so your deposit is non-refundable (required amount to cover any of my expenses, including bank fees).
If I’m unable to do the demo for any reason on my side, your deposit will be fully refunded.
Submit the below form to register your interest to attend a demonstration. You will be contacted with further details.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Can you demonstrate the roulette system, which does not use electronic devices?
I only do demos of the roulette computers. I don’t do system demos anymore because it takes much longer to demonstrate, and the payment I receive does not justify the time it takes. But the free trial allows you to test working systems for as long as you want.
Q. Can you demonstrate your roulette computers in real casinos?
Yes, but only with the Hybrid roulette computer, and there are conditions. First I’ll explain the issues:
Real casinos spin the wheel less frequently than we can in a private demo, so demonstrations in real casinos take much longer. You need to see a statistically relevant amount of spins for proof to be clear. When you can spin the wheel yourself, we can test about 100 spins per hour. In a real casino, this may take 3 hours. Real play in a casino may only be for 20 spins, but that’s not enough for a “demonstration” to purchase expensive equipment.
You will need the equipment. This includes various components like a suitable mobile phone, earpiece, induction loop, and mini camera.
You will need to be trained so you know what you’re doing (which takes additional time). It takes the average Hybrid player 2-3 sessions in real casinos to be competent.
You’ll need to provide details of laws that indicate computers are legal in your casino. It isn’t difficult as you can check laws on government websites, but it takes time. Computers are legal in about half of jurisdictions.
Instead of the normal $500 fee for private demos, the fee is $1,000 up front. This is because I will need to spend extra time with you to train you, so you know what you’re doing.
Understand that most most players take about 3 real casino sessions before they are competent enough to profit. This has nothing to do with the computer software. It has to do with things like understanding the earpieces, the batteries, positioning the camera and hiding it properly, connecting to the server, adjusting sound volumes etc. Because most players take 3 real sessions to start profiting, you can’t realistically expect great results the first time you ever use the equipment in a real casino.
So while testing in a real casino may seem ideal, it is not practical for a demonstration.
Alternatively, you can video record spins from your casino, and we’ll apply the computer on those spins. You can bring the video to an in-person demo, or stream the video to me via Skype. I will be seeing the spins for the first time. But you will still need suitable equipment to covertly record video. Keep in mind it doesn’t matter if a wheel is inside or outside a casino. The physics doesn’t change.
Another option is you watch a live session in a real casino from experienced players. But the problems are:
a. We need the team’s permission, and they are not in the least bit interested in showing strangers how they covertly beat casinos, and
b. I’m not going to inconvenience my players by asking them to do things like wave to camera on demand, just to prove the footage is live.
As this page explains, you can get any reasonable proof you want. But it needs to be practical. There are various options including:
Test on any wheel you want, either in-person or via webcam.
Test on recorded spins from your casino.
Test on a wheel you hired and have at home.
Test on videos of wheels I’ve never seen before.
Once you see the computer in action for yourself, you can plainly see how it works. So you don’t need to guess about what you see. For example, you will see clear parts like the computer beep when the ball is predicted to fall. You will also see clear statistics that show how far the ball bounces.
Remember you aren’t under any obligation to buy after a demo. So it’s not exactly a big risk for you.
Q. Can you show me video recordings of real players winning in real casinos?
Yes, but only for the Hybrid computer as it’s the only computer that uses hidden cameras. The videos are not publicly available. I can show them in private demonstrations. In addition to seeing real play, you’ll also see various capabilities such as how the hidden cameras work, and are automatically aimed at the wheel.
Q. What wheel are demos usually done on?
You can see a demonstration on my latest wheel, which is a 2019 model John Huxley Mk7 wheel with Velstone ball track, and a bouncy ivorine ball. This is one of the most difficult wheels to beat. Learn about this wheel at We can also disassemble the wheel so you know it has not been tampered with.
You can also bring your own wheel, or hire one from a roulette wheel hire company – although these are usually easier to beat because of poor maintenance.
Q. Can you visit me to give a demonstration?
No, I simply don’t have time even if you pay extra. Besides you can see whatever you need via live webcam if you are unable to travel to me.
Q. Can you test the computers on live video I stream to you via an Internet service like Skype?
Yes. This option is suitable if you have your own wheel at home. Simply aim your webcam at the wheel and you will hear the computer’s predictions live via Skype.
Q. Can the roulette computers be applied at online casinos?
The Hybrid and Uber computers can get accurate predictions at online casinos, but only the Hybrid can actually get predictions in time to bet. But I don’t expect for much longer. This is because we have won enough to force some online casinos to call no more bets much earlier, and other online casinos may eventually do the same.
But real casinos usually only call no more bets much earlier when they suspect a roulette computer player is present. It is very unlikely most real casinos will ever forbid bets after ball release because it speeds up the game, so more bets are placed, and the casino ultimately earns more. There are far more losers than winning roulette computer players, so it is not financially viable for real casinos to call no more bets too early. Perhaps 1 in 50,000 players use a roulette computer.
If casino staff in a real casino suspect you are using a roulette computer, they simply call no more bets earlier until you leave, then they resume normal procedures. Online casinos generally adopt a “prevention is better than a cure” approach, so they can avoid roulette computer players winning large sums, even if it means they will ultimately earn less from other players. After all they can’t physically see who the players are. So online casinos usually prefer less risk in exchange for less but more assured profit. More experienced casinos tend to allow late no more bets to maximize their profit, but are more vigilant in detecting roulette computer players before they do damage. But even in such casinos, a professional team can easily avoid detection.
Q. Can you do demonstrations from online casinos?
My internet connection isn’t fast enough to download live video from online casinos while simultaneously uploading video for you to see. But what we can do is you pre-record spins from an online casino for me to test on. Then when it’s time for the demo I download the video to conduct the demo. It will be the first I’ve seen the video so it wont be possible for me to cheat. Then I’ll play the video while you watch me get predictions with the computer. If you choose this option, I’ll need video with a reasonable view of the wheel, and smooth frame rate. You should have 150 spins for one direction (testing in one direction only saves time). And the video must be continuous and uncut to ensure the wheel wasn’t changed mid-play. Most online casinos close bets before the ball is released but at least you will see prediction accuracy on a wheel you know I don’t control. Before you take the time to record the required spins, send me a small sample recording and I can tell you whether or not the video is suitable. Generally avoid the auto wheels and focus on live dealer wheels. We can often beat auto wheels but they’re more difficult, so we usually avoid them.
How To Record Spins From Online Casinos
The wheel I own is one of the most common designs in the world. It is maintained better than most casino wheels, and is more difficult to beat than average wheels. So it is suitable for testing. We can even disassemble it so you see it hasn’t been modified. But if you want to see a demo on a wheel I don’t own, you can record spins from an online casino. I recommend using the free software from – see the instructions below to record videos. There are many online casinos that provide good, clear and smooth video.
You should have 150+ spins for one rotor direction (either direction is ok). There isn’t much point to testing too few spins.
How To Record Video in Real Casinos
The wheels in real casinos are mostly the same models you’ll see at online casinos. You can see demos in-person with me, but I do not send you a free full version computer to test. But perhaps you want a demo on the exact wheels you intend to play on. As a compromise, we can test on videos you record from inside your casino. Usually a well-hidden mobile phone is all your need. You can have another player connect to the phone via software to stop and start videos, and to make sure video is still recording. Remember you can’t see the phone screen in the casino.
IMPORTANT: Normally for me to test on your recorded video, you’ll aim a webcam at your PC screen, and send the video to me live via Skype. This means I can’t zoom the video like I normally would with the actual equipment we use, so the video quality must be better than we normally need. Requirements are explained below.
Make sure it’s legal. Sometimes recording video inside the casino is illegal. Usually if the roulette computers aren’t legal there, recording video wont be legal either.
Record at least 150 spins for one direction (the more the better). We could test both directions, but testing only one direction saves time.
The video should be clear and steady. Don’t shake the camera during the spin. Some movement is ok, but just don’t jump around.
Ideally the edges of the wheel will be just inside the edges of the video. Don’t be too far or too close to the wheel.
Keep the camera around the same height and distance to the wheel. The higher the camera, the clearer and better the view. Don’t have the camera too low.
The videos should clearly show the entire spin, including the winning number. Otherwise accuracy can’t be assessed.
Video resolution not greater than 720p (1280 x 720). Keep it as small while still being clear. Otherwise the video is very large and difficult to work with.
Try to capture when bets are closed. This will give you an idea of whether or not predictions were in time to bet.
Before you record all 150+ spins, send me a video of a few spins to make sure it is suitable. After all you don’t want to spend the time recording all spins if the video is unusable for some reason.
Focus on real dealer wheels as we can beat almost all of them. Avoid auto wheels if possible, although we can still usually beat them. Rather than focus on what you think is a very difficult wheel to beat, choose an AVERAGE WHEEL, with a real dealer, and medium wheel speed (about 4-6 seconds per revolution). You don’t need to assess dominant diamonds.
Examples are below. We don’t need a “perfect” view, but get the best possible:
Image #1 is the typical view we’d have in real-play situations. In fact in real-play, the distance to the wheel can be much greater because we use video zooming equipment and automatically aiming cameras. But if you are sending us video for a demonstration, we prefer video like in Image #2.
Image #1
This is the typical view hidden cameras see. But if you want a demo just to see accuracy of predictions, you should record a closer view of the wheel.
Image #2
The ideal view if you want me to test on your recorded spins.
The better the video you provide, the clearer the demonstration will be for you. Part of the demonstration will be to show basic accuracy. And another part of the demo is to show you capabilities such as automatic camera aiming and zooming. This is important for you to see because rarely is the camera view perfect.
The camera’s lens only needs to peek through a small hole in clothing. But you need to fasten the phone into place so the fabric doesn’t block the lens. There are many ways to do this. You can use something like velcro around the lens to keep fabric in place.
Learn to accurately aim the camera at home, so you can accurately aim at the wheel in the casino.
Aim to capture each complete spin, from the moment the ball is released, to when it comes to a complete stop.
Use the correct settings so recordings are made even when the screen is OFF with the phone is locked.
Set the “focus mode” to “infinity” so the video doesn’t need focusing.
Use “video stabilization” setting if your phone is capable.
Set the “video orientation” to either “portrait” or “horizontal” (depending on the phone’s orientation), but NOT “auto”.
Make sure the phone has enough space for long recordings.
Activate the setting “maximum file size of 300mb”, which prevents video files becoming too large.
Activate the setting “repeat recording (no limit)” so recording continues with a new file, after the maximum file size is reached.
Set the “video resolution” to “SD 480p”, otherwise the video files are larger than needed.
Keep the camera as steady as possible while recording. Record a few spins to test. If they are too shaky, they may be unusable.
It is not hard to get clear recordings, while NOT looking like you’re recording. Don’t make it obvious. It just takes practice.
Consider the alternate option of using screen recorder software for you pc, and recording online casino spins.
You should record 150+ spins for at least one direction. This will take many hours (which is one reason other options are more practical for a demo). But remember you’e recording video for a proper test. Shorter tests are not worthwhile because then you might think it’s possible the accuracy was just luck.
Where possible, stand in the same place for the same view. Changing views and positions is ok, but not ideal.
Bet the bare minimums just to stay at the table.
Play when the casino is quiet. This will take much less time, and make everything much easier. If you record when the casino is busy, you could be there all night.
Test thoroughly at home before recording in the casino, then you wont have trouble with your recordings. When things go wrong, almost always it is because the player didn’t test properly first.
I suggest record 10 or so spins as a test, then send then video to me. I’ll let you know whether or not the video is sufficient. This is better than recording many hours of useless video, then having to re-do it.
Our roulette prediction systems began as an effort to raise funds to develop green energy technology, which is our primary focus. While it may not have been the easiest source of funding, roulette has always been one of my passions. With relation to roulette, our members includes ex-casino staff and experienced players, although I design the majority of algorithms. Tasks such as programming and hardware design are the responsibility of contractors. In the past 15 years, approximately 40 individuals have contributed to my roulette prediction technology.
About Me (Steve)
Myself (Steve) demonstrating various roulette prediction techniques and equipment.
I’m the company founder and main designer of the technology. My primary focus has always been energy research, including but not limited to electricity production and transportation. I am well known in the energy research sector, partly because I purchased and worked on the original vehicle to run on an energy cell developed by energy researcher Alex Shiffer. At one stage I also worked with the US Department of Energy, although since found they aren’t as interested in “free energy” as I thought. I have turned much of my focus to development of affordable housing solutions in combination with energy production, with the aim of creating sustainable living without the price tag. Some of my projects are explained to and
I have always had a strong interest in physics. After high school in 1994, I studied applied physics at RMIT university. This was with the intention of pursuing my energy research. It was not with the intention of having a career in physics. Unfortunately I found the course to be no more educational than reading books. The two main problems were the course moved too slowly, and nothing new was being learned. Additionally, many of the “accepted” models of physics are inaccurate because they don’t account for unexplained phenomena. To achieve my goals, I required knowledge beyond text books, so it became clear that no course would teach what I needed to know – I had to learn it for myself. So I quit my course to learn physics for myself.
How I Got Started In Roulette
At the age of 18, I started attending my local casino and became fascinated with roulette. I saw with all the money being exchanged, if I could figure out a way to beat roulette, it would be a lucrative source of income to fund my energy research. The first few years yielded nothing but frustration, although I continued to develop various roulette systems, most of which showed no significant promise. One of my other interests was the air force (RAAF) and aircraft. I tried twice to gain entry as a RAAF pilot, but found the competition too intense especially considering only 5 people in Australia are selected each year. I reached the selection board which is the final process, but other candidates were more competitive. Nevertheless, I was offered my secondary preference as an intelligence officer via the Australian Defence Force Academy, which I declined.
While continuing my energy research and study into roulette, I operated various side-businesses. One of which was a self-written guide to teach students how to improve their memory skills. I wrote it in a no-nonsense way that I would have appreciated when I was a student. My businesses kept me moving forward with an irregular but sufficient income. Even at times when I struggled to earn much of an income, I refused to find regular work because I refused to work for someone else. I found working for myself to be twice as difficult, but much more rewarding.
The money itself did not interest me – it simply sustained my lifestyle and allowed me to continue research. My core focus was and probably will always be energy research. In about 1996, I began to market my memory skills products on the Internet. I found myself adept at marketing, so I created a promotional company to assist others in marketing their products. My promotional company became remarkably successful and my income increased exponentially. One of the major sources of income was lead generation, where companies paid me $5-$20 just for a sales lead to submit an information request form. Because I had developed numerous promotional networks such as LeadWhiz (which I since sold) and a tell-a-friend tool for webmasters, generating traffic and leads for my clients was remarkably easy and profitable. Some regular clients paid me $8 per lead, and I provided them with 50+ leads per day for years, without me barely doing anything. In 1999 I registered the corporation Site Promotions Pty Ltd to minimize tax. Generally if you earn more than $100,000 per year, you need a corporation or are taxed too much. Although most of my focus is now on sustainable technology, so the name was changed to Natural Laboratories Pty Ltd. While continuing to run the company, I spent much of my time developing roulette systems. But at this stage my financial success was from my businesses, and I had not yet achieved success with roulette.
First Success At Roulette
I was successful in business well before I eventually achieved success with roulette. My businesses were mostly automated and took little time, so I had ample time to continue my roulette and energy research.
Ultimately it was my learning of some basic principles of energy interaction that gave me a glimpse into how roulette could be beaten. Many of these principles are uncovered in the book “Living Energies” by Callum Coats. One of the major principles is how “everything affects everything”. This was the basis for building a mathematical model of why the ball lands where it does. Put simply, there is no one single factor that determines where the ball will land – it is the combination of all variables combined. It was this understanding that led me to construct the model that can be used to predict roulette spins.
The most obvious variables are ball and rotor speed, but when you consider every other influence, you come to understand all major influences need to be considered if your predictive method can be used to adapt to changing conditions. Without full consideration to variables and how they affect each other, condition changes at the wheel render previous pattern models obsolete. This is what traditional roulette advantage play (professional play) methods do not address.
I had become aware of traditional professional methods called “advantage play”. For example, visual ballistics and bias analysis which I now teach for free because I developed something much better. Specifically I developed a universal model to detect, track and use predictable patterns on roulette wheels. Development of this technology has continued for many years, and will further improve and adjust to changing casino conditions. For some time I applied my methods for myself with incredible success. But while you would probably like to hear I made millions from it from my own play and now offer it to you, this is not the case. The fact of the matter is I don’t need it anymore for a few reasons:
I already make all the money I need from my businesses
I have something even better to beat roulette
I have many profit split partners that apply it and other technology for me, so I profit without needing to do anything but maintain the wheel analysis software and server
Many people who know little about my methods assume because they don’t understand it, that it must be a scam. But at the same time they acknowledge the effectiveness of methods such as visual ballistics and bias analysis. This is peculiar since I do teach traditional advantage play methods (such as visual ballistics), but my players almost never use them because I teach much better methods. Simply put, my methods take traditional methods several steps further. For example, traditional visual ballistics models the relationship between two numbers (A,B) as you’ll learn from the basic roulette computer algorithm page. However, my methods model far more variables, and the relationship between them. In the simplest terms possible, my methods better model the relationship between variables and spin outcomes. There is nothing mystical or magic about it. The physics behind it is quite simple. Perhaps it is natural for people to be skeptical of what they don’t understand.
Although many players prefer the roulette system that doesn’t use any electronics at the roulette table, the technology that I mentioned is “even better” than my roulette system is my roulette computer(s). They provide the most direct approach, and accurately calculate predictions based on the most influential variables which are:
On very easily beaten wheels, the first two set of variables alone is sometimes sufficient to beat a roulette wheel, but more often than not, they aren’t enough. My earliest computers closely resembled the basic roulette computer algorithm, but I quickly found it to be impractical. Basic roulette computer algorithms are also risky because if conditions such as ball deceleration rates change, and the computer does not adjust accordingly, you can go from betting in the right area to avoiding the right area, so you end up losing faster than random bet selection. So it became clear that a more sophisticated approach was needed.
What I Do Today
I run multiple businesses, including what is likely the largest team of professional roulette players. In addition to roulette, my businesses also include venture capital, marketing services, property investing, and a variety of technological developments (more non-profit though). Many of my roulette computer players pay me part of their profits, while others simply pay an initial fee for my time and keep 100% of their winnings. I am one of the few who can truly and honestly say my teams have literally earned millions from roulette. Overall I have almost 20 years of experience with roulette.
I still actively pursue my energy research, and operate the non-profit Universal Symbiosis Foundation which focuses on everything related to sustainable living, including but not limited to food production, affordable housing and energy research. One of the websites for this work is
I live in rural Australia and far from city life. I’m independently wealthy, but I’m not the kind of person to drive around in a Lamborghini. I have never had, and will never buy an expensive vehicle. I live a simple and happy life. I don’t need to do anywhere near the amount of work I do, but I enjoy it, most of the time. If you get to know me better, you will find me to be an honest and straight-forward person. I tell you realistically what can be achieved with roulette, and pride myself on being honest in all matters. I believe deception is a form of hiding from yourself, and its not how I live my life. I will always be a direct and honest person, and like to work with similarly-minded people. If you want to get to know me better before doing business, it is best to schedule a phone / skype call so matters can be discussed on a more personal level. Although please be patient as I don’t live by the phone and usually only set aside Wednesdays for phone calls unless particular times are scheduled. See below for my contact details.
Best Regards,
Steve | Management Roulette Wheel Analysis Group Skype: rouletteanalysis Ph. +61 3 9018 5395 Calls must be on WEDNESDAYS 9am-4pm (Australia +10 GMT) unless otherwise scheduled.
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About Our Roulette Development Team
We are a group of professional roulette players with varied backgrounds. While some of us are ex-casino staff, we are mostly passionate roulette players that collaboratively develop methods to beat roulette. Over 1,000 players actively use our methods world-wide. Casinos have been forced to hire consultants to advise them how to detect our players.
Our technology is developed by numerous individuals including electronics technicians, physicists and programmers who are hired as contractors, although I design most of the algorithms myself. I’ve been a professional player and team manager for almost 20 years. We have developed the most sophisticated roulette prediction methods available anywhere, which includes automated electronic devices that use hidden cameras to automatically track roulette wheels, and predict where the ball will land. These devices are still legal in most casinos, although we apply them secretly because casinos still ban players who are caught using them. We regularly conduct public demonstrations of our technology, so other serious players can see for themselves it’s absolutely real. If you’d like to know more about these devices, see
Let’s say you bet on one number. A win pays 35 to 1, but the odds of winning are 1 in 37 because there are 37 numbers. So even when you win, you still lose because you are paid an unfair amount. This is unfair payout is called the “house edge” and it applies to all bets to slowly drain your bankroll.
The only way to beat this “house edge” is to predict winning numbers with better than 1 in 35 accuracy. In other words, you must increase the accuracy of predictions. The problem with most systems is that they don’t increase the accuracy of predictions.
Why most systems fail
Roulette is all about where the ball lands, but most roulette systems don’t even consider the winning number. Instead, they use ineffective approaches such as increasing bet size to cover losses. This is called betting progression, and it may seem like a good idea at first. But the reality is all betting progression does is change the amount that you risk on an individual spin.
Example: Say you bet $10 on red, and black won. Then on the next spin, you increased your bet to $20 to cover the loss. What you actually do is make two completely separate bets – one of $10, and one of $20. There is no connection.
There are countless other equally ineffective approaches. Perhaps a player may think that after 10 reds in a row, black is more likely to spin because of a long-term balance. But if you checked thousands of instances when there were 10 reds in a row, and calculated how often black spun next, you’ll find the odds don’t change it all.
The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions, which can only be done with physics because it’s the only set of rules that determine wheel and ball behaviour.
Nothing is random. Everything is cause and effect.
What we perceive to be random and unpredictable events are actually the result of cause and effect. Nothing is ever random. Predicting an event involves finding the relationship between variables and the event. My roulette system uses data sets from previous spins, and correlates them to other data sets, which uncovers predictable patterns that can predict future spins. Every wheel is predictable to some degree.
It is very much like cracking a safe where countless combinations are tested to find the right one. The process uses permutations, which are calculations that test different “combinations”. The typical analysis of 300 spins involves literally billions of calculations so it is impossible to do without the help of computers. My software makes the analysis easy and practical.
Doesn’t “randomized” wheel and ball speeds make roulette unpredictable?
Roulette computer devices measure ball and wheel speed to predict winning numbers, although my roulette system beats roulette with predictions before the wheel is even spun. If wheel and ball speeds were completely random and unpredictable, this wouldn’t be possible. But in fact they are predictable at least enough to slight increase the accuracy of predictions. I do not reveal the exact laws that make roulette predictable, will state the following:
Any wheel still exhibits predictable patterns if the speeds are “randomized”. This is because a wheel has fixed physical properties that cause unavoidable long term patterns.
Most wheels have “dominant diamonds”, where the ball tends to hit specific diamonds more than others.
One example is you may notice that the ball may tend to hit particular diamonds much more than others. If you draw a little diagram showing which diamonds the ball hits on each spin, it may look like the one shown left. This is not random, and is one of the factors that cause predictable spins.
If rotor speeds were properly and entirely randomized, matters would be quite different. But the fact is they are never properly randomized. Literally we’ve never seen a completely unpredictable wheel, and it may never exist. Even automated wheels that deliberately vary ball and rotor speeds do not do the job properly.
So why don’t roulette wheel designers fix the problem? Firstly, they don’t properly understand it. Secondly, it’s not so easy because while roulette wheels are physical objects and have fixed physical properties, there will always be at least some predictability of spins. And this slight accuracy is all you need to overcome the slight house edge and win consistently.
Ultimately while you may think roulette is totally random, it’s actually more difficult to make a wheel with completely unpredictable spins than to devise a method that achieves “better than random” accuracy of predictions.
The free course provides more detail on how it is possible to predict spins even before the wheel is spun.
You don’t need perfect accuracy to win in the long term
It may be impossible to know the winning number on every spin. But the house edge is only slight, and you only need to be slightly accurate to overcome it and win in the long term. This is not at all difficult.
How I discovered the patterns
My primary field is energy research. This includes everything from water-powered cars and efficient energy production systems. However I still actively developed various gambling systems, mainly focusing on roulette.
While the first 10 or so years of roulette research resulted in nothing but frustration, I came to understand effective methods of modelling the relationship between different energy interactions. As you may know from Einstein’s E=MC^2 equation, everything is energy.
A simple way of explaining what I found was “everything affects everything”. While this may be obvious, I found a way to analyze data about previous events to determine how they correlate to other events. In turn, this made it possible to predict future spins with some degree of accuracy.
The main problem was that it required a lot of calculations and needed computer software. Over the years many versions were created, and the latest one is available to my players. Earlier versions were too complicated for some people to use, so not everyone succeeded. So it was gradually refined into what it is today: sophisticated software that’s remarkably easy to use.
If you want to know more about my modelling of energy interactions, I suggest the book “Living Energies” by Callum Coats. It begins simple enough but becomes quite complex so you may need to read it a few times to properly understand the concepts.